100 Things To Do This Christmas

This epic list of 100 things to do this Christmas is going to get you motivated and inspired to enjoy this festive season. We all love thinking up new Christmassy activities to celebrate with friends and family. 

It’s the most wonderful time… of the year…Yes, it’s time to start getting in the mood for the winter season and figure how to have a jolly good time.

If you are a strictly no Christmas chat until the 1st of December then bookmark this post and come back later!

IT’S NEARLY CHRISTMAS! And it’s my favourite time of year.

I love Christmas so much I even start thinking about it back in August. I love decorating the tree, making Christmas gifts, cooking delicious festive recipes and planning lots to do over Xmas.

And so, with years of Christmas planning and enthusiasm, I have compiled an epic list of 100 things to do at Christmas to help inspire you to make your own list.

I have also written other epic posts for the celebratory season, including 100 Christmas Gift Ideas  and 100 Christmas Recipes. I hope this helps you with your festive planning.

Note: the original version of this post first appeared on this blog in October 2015. It has since been revised and updated.

100 Things To Do This Christmas

How to make Christmas special

If you love Christmas half as much as I do then you will most likely want to be getting rather organised now so you can make the most of enjoying all of December.

Back in the very early days of our relationship, the husband bought me an alternative reusable advent calendar which was actually 24 small pouches that hang with pegs on a piece of string. In each pouch, we write a festive activity so that we make the most of our December in the lead up to Christmas.

It was wonderful to think beyond the usual Christmas stuff and have an excuse to enjoy every minute of the festivities.

In that spirit of this joyful time, and inspired by my 100 Things To Do In Autumn list, I have been busy creating an epic list of potential activities you can get up to this Christmas.


Some but not all of the links below are affiliate links. It means I might get a few pennies in return for recommending a product. This helps me pay for website costs etc, but does not influence what I’ve recommended. The priority for me is to inspire you to enjoy your time. Thank you in advance if you do purchase anything following my recommendation and links.

100 Things To Do This Christmas

1. Cover the house in fairy lights (I just bought these)

2. Visit your local German Christmas Market 

3. Make mulled wine or cider (this recipe looks delicious)

4. Buy a Christmas jumper (I’m coveting this one  (This men’s one is super cute)

5. Bake your own gingerbread (this is the best recipe)

6. Prepare Christmas pudding (I’ve heard Delia’s recipe is good)

7. Sing at a carol service 

8. Send Christmas cards (love these quirky ones)

9. Visit your local castle or stately home (I love Osbourne House on the Isle of Wight)

10. Go watch a pantomime at the theatre

11. Go to your local town’s switching on of the Christmas lights

12. Visit a plush department store for festive shopping

13. Order your turkey or Christmas Day meat 

14. Make your own advent calendar

15. Decorate your Christmas tree (real or artificial, which do you prefer?)

16. Make a wreath for the front door 

17. Compile your own Christmas playlist 

18. Decorate the house with festive cheer (I buy quirky decorations here)

19. Create your ideal Christmas Day menu (recipe ideas here)

20. Go to your local church or cathedral for Christmas service 

21. Make a christingle

22. Kiss under the mistletoe 

23. Visit Santa’s grotto (Find a Father Christmas near you)

24. Go see some reindeers (did you know the UK has a small group of free-range reindeer in Scotland?)

25. Watch ELF! (must-have Christmas movie)

26. Make some homemade gifts (some I gifts I made in the past)

27. Play board games (my favourite is Cluedo, Raj loves Monopoly)

28. Hide chocolate coins around the house

29. Go sales shopping 

30. Organise a Christmas party

31. Build a snowman (of course, we need snow for that – I find the weather channel is most reliable for snow watch)

32. Make paper snowflakes

33. Make a nativity scene 

34. Knit a hat or scarf 

35. Frost the window (or snowflake stencils)

36. Drink port and eat cheese

37. Visit your Grandparents, parents, relatives (or volunteer to befriend the elderly in your community)

38. Make a Christmas Day centrepiece for the table

39. Eat mince pies 

40. Buy some woolly socks (these are my favourite)

41. Organise a Christmas jumper day (it’s now charity fundraising day on the 13th)

42. Make Christmas Cake 

43. Volunteer your time with homeless people and rough sleepers in the UK (see Crisis for details)

44. Tell someone you love them

45. Watch It’s a Wonderful Life

46. Leave out a brandy for Santa and a carrot for Rudolph (see what children around the world leave out for Father Christmas)

47. Hang out a stocking 

48. Make toffee vodka for all your friends

49. Go tobogganing (snow allowing, or find an indoor ski run)

50. Watch the Queen’s speech (the Royal Christmas Message has been a tradition since 1932)

51. Volunteer at a local food bank (visit the Trussell Trust to find yours or watch my video for ideas)

52. Sing Christmas carols

53. Watch A Christmas Carol

54. Sit around a fire and warm your cockles (cockney rhyming slang)

55. Make DIY gift tags

56. Go to Winter Wonderland in London

57. Go ice skating

58. Listen to a carol concert at your local stately home

59. Feed the birds (top tips here)

60. Go to watch The Nutcracker ballet (we go to the Birmingham Hippodrome to see Birmingham Royal Ballet every year)

61. Roast chestnuts on an open fire 

62. Visit a Victorian Christmas Fayre

63. Donate to your chosen charity (how to pick a charity to support)

64. Make a Yule Log

65. Write a list of everything you are grateful for (love the Gratitude Journal)

66. Drink eggnog (love it or hate it, it is tradition – recipe here)

67. Create a Christmas Eve box filled with fresh pyjamas and novelty socks

68. Make luxurious hot chocolate

69. Bake mini gingerbread houses for your hot chocolate mugs

70. Make paperchains and fill your house with them (these ones are a bargain)

71. Have a snowball fight (bookmark weather channel for snow watch)

72. Make honeycomb (my recipe for glitter honeycomb)

73. Make your own snow globe 

74. Wear a Santa hat 

75. Dance to cheesy Christmas songs (some classics)

76. Make your own Christmas tree ornament

77. Make dried oranges to decorate your home

78. Take an outing to a town or village you’ve never been to before (pretty UK villages to visit)

79. Wear lots of layers and take a winter’s walk in the woods 

80. Start a new tradition with your family/friends

81. Drink ice cold Baileys or Irish cream of your choice

82. Do a random act of kindness

83. Make your own wrapping paper 

84. Stuff the stockings 

85. Host a decorating Christmas biscuits party

86. Write a letter to Father Christmas (details on Royal Mail)

87. Make a wish (and good luck!)

88. Make marshmallow vodka

89. Make a Christmas cocktail 

90. Drive around to see the lights in your neighbourhood

91. Buy yourself a present and wrap it for under the tree (I have these on my wishlist)

92. Bake some cinnamon swirls on Christmas Day morning

93. Play a game of cards 

94. Have a festive picnic in your living room 

95. Spend the day in your pyjamas 

96. Eat brussels sprouts and enjoy it (my sprouts recipe here)

97. Organise a Secret Santa

98. Light a candle and give thanks (this is my favourite candle)

99. Take a family portrait 

100. Read The Night Before Christmas (we bought this version as well)


Christmas bucket list

100 Things To Do At Xmas



More 100 Things To Do Lists
