100 Self Care Ideas, Inspiration and Activities


Self-care is all about creating an awareness about ourselves in a mental, physical and spiritual way and forming habits that help us live to our full potential. It’s not selfish to prioritise self-care, because we can’t be a fully productive member of society and our communities if we don’t take care of ourselves first. After all, we have to put on our own oxygen mask before helping others …

(a version of this post first appeared in 2016, it’s since been updated in 2019)

I think all of us could do with taking better care of ourselves. Too often we get caught up in ‘being busy’ as we are metaphorically hung, drawn, and quartered by society’s pressures and ideals.

The world is a hectic place to be in, and the best way to cope is to have self-care strategies in place so that when we need to, we can withdraw, switch off, or just change gears a little.

It’s not only the kindest thing we can do for ourselves, but it’s also VITAL for our all-round health.

Being kind to yourself = better health and wellbeing.

Your health and wellbeing is not just about physicality. It’s about mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. The stronger we are in ALL of those areas, the healthier and more joyful a life we can lead.

Join me over the next few months/years as I embark on a journey of discovering how best to take care of myself so that I can live the most positive, joyful and effective life possible.

Here are a ‘few’ ideas and inspiration to help us get started on improving our self-care routine. There’s a FREE printable at the end for you to download and keep.

Refer to this self-care list when you feel in a rut, in need of recuperating, or just a bit more juju in your life.


YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Have you listened to The Good Life Unravelled podcast yet?

This list contains some affiliate links to things I like, recommend, have on my wishlist, or think you might find useful. This means if you click on the link and purchase something I recommend the retailer thanks me with a small commission. 

100 Ways To Practice Self-Care For Improved Wellbeing

1. Go for a walk and get some fresh air (check out this top 10 secret walks list for ideas)

2. Treat yourself to some luxury dark chocolate 

3. Spend time pampering yourself with a home spa session

4. Write in your journal or start morning pages

5. Send thank you cards 

6. Snuggle your pets (I adopted two RSPCA kittens recently! Read about them here)

7. Take a yoga class or follow a YouTube tutorial

8. Eat the most epic and creative salad you can think of (I’m a fan of this one)

9. Invite your closest friends over for a chat and spend quality time with them

10. Take a digital detox (15 top tips here)

11. Stretch your body

12. Book a short break away (11 unusual places to stay in the UK)

13. Do something totally new 

14. Practise meditation (my beginner’s guide to meditation)

15. Have a good cry, it helps relieve stress

16. Write a list of your priorities

17. Get on top of your finances (try an app such as Mint or Home Budget)

18. Drink an epic green smoothie 

19. Go dancing (dance therapy is recommended by some mental health organisations)

20. Remove toxic relationships from your life (read my post about relationships here)

21. Print out some photographs from your hard drive 

22. Batch-make food for the week 

23. Take a bath (treat yourself to some gorgeous bath oils)

24. Create a morning routine (try the miracle morning, or my favourite – write morning pages)

25. Organise a cocktail party for friends 

26. Go foraging for fruits and herbs in your local area (my 10 tips for foraging here)

27. Drink lots of green tea or any tea for that matter!

28. Listen to peaceful music (my favourite is Einaudi) or any music that uplifts, calms, or makes you feel grounded.

29. Wear clothes that make you feel good

30. Take a gratitude walk (the science bit)

31. Or try a gratitude journal (like this one)

32. Declutter your home (my tips to simplify your life and tips for decluttering your online space)

33. Declutter your workspace (organisation tips here)

34. Binge watch your favourite TV show (30 day free trial here)

35. Make a fort or den in your living room 

36. Take an art or craft class (or try online classes such as Udemy or Skillshare)

37. Write a letter to your grandparents

38. Go to a petting farm to hug a goat (I particularly want to go llama trekking on the south coast)

39. Go on a date with your favourite person  (see my 100 Valentines post for ideas)

40. Paint your nails

41. Write a list of your goals 

42. Give yourself a compliment (go on, you deserve it!) and extra points if you can look at yourself in the mirror and say it

43. Light a candle and take a moment 

44. Invest in aromatherapy oils 

45. Choose tomorrow’s outfit before bed

46. Experiment with a capsule wardrobe 

47. Treat yourself to one indulgence each pay day (this year I am hoping to save for this investment handbag usually I treat myself to a manicure!)

48. Cook a new recipe

49. Indulge in reading a book for a few hours (I’m reading this and this one)

50. Hike up a hill or spend time in the mountains, or natural landscape 

51. Eat a big breakfast (inspiration here)

52. Go to bed early 

53. Eat a frog (concept explained here)

54. Make or buy a gift for a friend (this website is great for unique gifts)

55. Brainstorm and choose your life values (I like to pick a Word of the Year)

56. Do some colouring in

57. Take a roadtrip

58. Cuddle (it boosts your immune system too)

59. Slap on a face mask and take 10 minutes to yourself

60. Eat seasonal fruit (useful food seasonality table)

61. Have a board games night (my favourites are Scrabble, Cluedo and Monopoly)

62. Host a charity fundraiser 

63. Have an afternoon nap (it’s totally natural and good for your health)

64. Laugh 

65. Buy yourself a beautiful bunch of flowers (or treat yourself to a flowers subscription)

66. Spend 20 minutes a day cleaning your home (10 things I learned from a Monk’s Guide to A Clean House and Mind)

67. Create a cleaning schedule

68. Watch your all-time favourite movie. Again. And again. 

69. Take an intense workout session

70. Put your pyjamas in the tumble dryer for a minute before wearing to bed

71. Make your favourite meal (mine is usually Thai food)

72. Call someone you love

73. Try a new food (I’m hoping to eat more plant-based proteins)

74. Start the day with positive affirmations (my list of mantras here)

75. Go to a museum or art gallery 

76. Spend 10 minutes a day in the sunshine (even if it’s cold outside)

77. Go for coffee with somebody new (reach out to those new internet buddies you’ve been meaning to connect with)

78. Slow down

79. Treat yourself to your favourite perfume 

80. Learn a new language (try an online course)

81. Go to the seaside 

82. Try gardening (advice here)

83. Pray or meditate (or whatever your version of that might be)

84. Say no when overwhelmed (how to say no)

85. Say yes when stagnant 

86. Get up at sunrise

87. Go on a photowalk

88. Create a mixtape, like the old days

89. Play a competitive sport 

90. Throw out and donate old clothes (find how to donate to Women’s refuge here)

91. Volunteer for a cause that means something to you (volunteering database)

92. Treat yourself to the most expensive bottle of wine you can afford

93. Go on a retreat 

94. Talk to someone about your fears (or watch this talk about fear and imagination)

95. Spend time on your finances, create a budget spreadsheet, plan your pension, etc.

96. Create a scrapbook of your latest adventure 

97. Go to the ballet, theatre or comedy (I go to the Nutcracker every year)

98. Cook up a big Sunday Roast dinner (my favourite slow roast lamb recipe)

99. Sing (it can literally massage your insides)

100. Celebrate a small achievement and take a moment to be mindful of the achievement



100 Ways To Practice Self Care


Share your ideas in the comments below.


Further wellness reading:
